9 Stunning Red Flowers For Your Garden


Some of the most popular dianthuses produce pink blooms, but others, like Fire Star, Rockin Red, and Ideal Select Red, carry red flowers and have become go-to choices for their fringed petals and distinctive aroma.


So many people love having camellias in their grounds in the South because they always have bright flowers in the winter. Camellia japonica and Camellia sasanqua are the two species.


If your yard gets a lot of direct sunlight, choose coneflowers. Along long branches, they grow in groups and make different colors. One color is a deep red. The flowers on "Hot Papaya" are mango-red, and the flowers on "Tomato Soup" are bright red.


Roses are always our first choice when we want a big red flower. Roses come in a lot of different styles, like hanging roses and bush roses. Some red bushes are "Benjamin Britten," "Double Knock Out," and "My Hero." "Kentucky Derby" is a red mixed tea.

Bee Balm

This plant comes from the eastern United States. It has dark green leaves and groups of flowers. The hummingbirds like it, so if you want to get them to come to your yard, put this type.


The leaves of cannas are some of the most beautiful in the yard, and their flowers are right up there in terms of color and outdoor appeal. 'Australia' has burgundy leaves and bright red flowers.


These plants bloom in the summer and are always nice to see in the yard. They are also known as "million bells" because they have so many flowers. The flowers of "Superbells Red," "Cabaret Bright Red," and "Superbells Cherry Red" are all bright red.

Calla Lily

The trumpet-shaped flowers of calla lilies are unmistakable in the garden, and while they re often seen in white, some calla lilies bloom red alongside dark green foliage. Red Alert and Majestic Red are two popular red-blooming selections.


Mums come in many colors, and some flowers may have more than one color on them. But red mums really make a statement on a front porch or patio. There are lots of great things about a pot of mums.