8 Small Daily Habits to Lose a Lot of Weight

Watch Your Portions

Most Americans eat two to three times the actual serving size. Massive portions, training your mind to think that's normal. Check labels or Google serving sizes to eat properly.

Pause Between Bites

Put your fork down between bites to eat more slowly. This helps your body register fullness, which can take up to 20 minutes. Eating slowly can also make your food taste better.

Stay Hydrated

Sometimes hunger pangs are actually caused by thirst. Drink water to avoid unnecessary snacking. If you don't like plain water, try these 12 methods to drink more.

Prep Your Lunch

Making your own lunch saves money and ensures you know what you're eating. You're less likely to skip meals, which prevents overeating later. Skipping meals can lead to consuming more calories overall.

Avoid Distractions While Eating

Focus on your meal without distractions like work or social media. Distracted eating can lead to overeating and make you hungrier later.

Prioritize Breakfast

A breakfast full of lean protein and fiber keeps you satisfied and helps you make better food choices. Avoid carb-heavy meals like bagels and muffins. Opt for scrambled eggs, Greek yogurt, or veggie omelets.

Snack Smartly

Snacking can help or hinder weight loss. Pre-portion snacks to avoid overeating. Avoid mindless grazing and snack intentionally. Use these snacking tips for weight loss to stay on track.

Get Enough Sleep

Adequate sleep helps regulate appetite hormones. "Without enough sleep, ghrelin and leptin become unbalanced, increasing appetite.