8 Best Chest Exercises to Try For Workout 

Lie back on a bench with dumbbells in hand, palms facing away. Lower the dumbbells until elbows are slightly below 90 degrees, then press them away, almost touching at the top.

Dumbbell Bench Press

Start in a plank position with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Lower body until elbows are slightly below 90 degrees, then push away from the floor.


Stand with one leg in front, holding resistance bands. Bring hands together in front of you, then slowly move them apart, feeling the chest stretch as arms move back.

Chest Flys

Set bench to 45-degree incline. Lie on bench with dumbbells in hand, palms facing away. Lower dumbbells until elbows are slightly below 90 degrees, then press weights away, touching at the top.

Incline Dumbbell Bench Press

Place feet on a chair or bench, hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Lower body until elbows are slightly below 90 degrees, then push away from the floor.

Decline Push Up

Start in a plank position with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Lift one hand and tap opposite shoulder, then repeat with other hand.

Shoulder Taps

Anchor resistance band to a stable structure. Hold handles and press arms forward against resistance, then return to starting position.

Banded Chest Press

Face a wall with one foot forward for stability. Place hands on the wall with elbows bent at 45 degrees, then lean forward and push against the wall with maximal force.

Isometric Wall Press