7 Long-Blooming Flowers for Attracting Butterflies and Hummingbirds

The blossoms smell like vanilla, therefore they attract butterflies! See more aromatic pollinator-friendly flowers.

Joe Pye Weed

Russian sage's large purple blossoms attract butterflies. Plant one of these perennials in your yard and witness results in a season.

Russian Sage

These yellow, orange, and russet blossoms attract butterflies like this white peacock. Plus, these flowers are among the most drought-tolerant.

Black-Eyed Susan

Chrysanthemums are essential autumn flowers. These beauties are nectar sources, whether you purchase bare-root mums in spring or container-grown


These vivid red tubular flowers grow up to 4 feet tall and attract hummingbirds. Many think of it as a summer plant, yet it provides superb nectar

Bee Balm

Asters may reach 6 feet tall (dwarf variants are lower) and have hundreds of blooms. Early planting gives plants time to develop for winter.


Fall is the best season for this 2-foot-tall garden favorite, which attracts butterflies. Autumn Joy's star-shaped blossoms start light green
